Find all polynomals P where if x is a prime then P(x) is also a prime.
Trivial solutions are P(x) = p for p any prime and P(x)=x. Now we will prove that these are the only solutions.
As out polynomial has an infinite number of rational points, all coefficients are rational.
Let q be the common multiple of all denominators and Q(x) = qP(x). Now Q has only integer coefficients.
There are two possible cases:
Case 1: P(p)=p for all but finitly many primes p.
As to non-identical polynomials can only intersect a finite number of times, and this polynomial intersects P(x)=x an infinite number of times, the polynomial is identical to P(x), a trivial solution.
Case 2: \exists^{\infty} p: P(p)=x with x\neq p
This is equivalent to Q(p)=qx.
As there exists infinitely many p, take a p bigger than 2q,
This means that p is coprime with 2q, as it is with x, so p is coprime with 2qx.
According to Dirichlet's theorem, p+2qxk hits infinitely many primes.
Q(p+2qxk) can be written as Q(p) + 2qx\times c with c a constant.
So if Q(p)=qx, then Q(p+2qx) is a multiple of qx, so P(p+2qx) is a multiple of x.
Now there are two cases:
Case 1: The polynomial is constant. This gives rise to the trivial solutions.
Case 2: The polynomial is unbounded, \forall a,\exists r \forall v > r, |P(v)| > a.
Take a=x, take v a prime of the form p+2qxk which is larger than r.
It has the following properties:
- |P(v)| > x
- |P(v)| is a multiple of x
- |P(v)| is prime.